You're Headed to Register? Don't go empty handed (or alone)!

Feb 01, 2019

Whether you're headed to a baby superstore like Buy Buy Baby, a baby boutique or somewhere like Target. . . registering makes for quite a day! 

Hopefully these tips will help to make the day a bit less cra-zy.

Bring my favorite registry resource

If you have my Registry Roadmap you probably already have this packed but if not be sure to pack your tabbed off, marked up copy of Baby Bargains!  (If you don't have my Registry Roadmap you NEED it, click here!)

You're going to want to refer to it as you encounter different product categories. They do such a great job of rating the different products.  And remember, sometimes products get a B not because they're second best but because they're more expensive.  If you don't mind spending the extra money that might be a good option for you but I love that price is such a major consideration in their ratings!

Bring Water, lots of water

Would you go hiking without water? For expectant parents, and especially a pregnant mama, this registry trip is going to be a lot like a hike so don't forget the fluids! 

Bring a snack

What, really? Yup, you're probably going to be there longer than you expected. It's just the way it goes, it happens to most people. And the last thing anyone needs is a grouchy, hungry mama so throw a granola bar or a piece of fruit in your bag. Until Buy Buy Baby starts parking a food truck outside or butlering hors d'oeuvres you need to plan ahead!

Speaking of planning ahead. My next tip. . .  Plan Ahead!

Sure, maybe you'll stop by and wander around the baby section just to check things out sometime but when you go to register make sure you've done some homework! If you don't go in with a game plan and a list you're likely to feel overwhelmed.  Print out a list ahead of time, don't depend on the list they'll hand over with the zapper gun, that thing is too all encompassing and overwhelming. 

I spend a whole chapter talking about Baby Gear in my online course Expecting 101! I go through my Must Haves and Maybes list and explain what each item is and why you may or may not want it. I get it, there's a lot of choices and wasting money on stuff you don't need is a drag. If you want to check out my course that includes the Must Haves and Maybes list click here!

Bring someone with you (and I don't necessarily mean your partner)

Leave your husband at home? Yup, that's my recommendation.  

These are big decisions. Many are products that you'll use everyday for the next few years.  So, making the right decision about which item to choose is important. That's why I think it's important to bring a friend who has had a baby in the past few years.  This person is golden as far as advice goes. They've lived the life you're headed into and they know what sort of gear you need.  In a second they will point out things you definitely can't live without and they'll put the ka-bash on what's a waste of money!


Beware of Impulse Add-ons

Think before you zap!  Sure, it's cute or funny or looks like 'maybe something you'd wish you had'. But,  all those items can add up to a pile of stuff that makes you feel cluttered and like you wasted your money.  

Do you really need 3 four-packs of swaddling blankets just because you really like all the patterns, nope I don't think you do. What about numerous pairs of shoes for your 3 month old, nope you don't.  Or maybe you think you do, my point is just THINK about whatever it is before you add it to your registry.  And once you're home and a couple days have gone by look at your registry again and reconsider the items you weren't sure about!


I know, you're not going to buy anything you're just going to register. But, you might so be sure to bring along any coupons you have.  Did you know that you can use Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons at Buy Buy Baby? You can, as long as they're not expired. . . AND they price match with Amazon or other competitors so keep that in mind too (though you usually can't price match and use a coupon on the same item)!

If you want to avoid stores all together, or add items that the store didn't carry, then registering on Amazon is a good idea! I recommend having a few friends with babies check out your registry and give their two cents.  Between friends with babies and the reviews on Amazon you can learn a lot about products!  If you want to set up an Amazon registry you can do that here.

Don't feel like you have to do it all in one day.  You could always tackle one side of the store one day and go back again.  Or add the big items and then go home and add the small stuff online.  

You need to do what works for you and don't be afraid to go on and make changes after you've registered!