Preparing to Adopt a Newborn? Don't panic.
7 Things Adoptive Parents Learn the First Week Home With a Newborn

What Adoptive Parents Wish They Knew Before They Brought The Baby Home
In 60 minutes I'll give you a clear picture of what that first week will be like and strategies to make it run more smoothly.

How To Bond With The Baby From Day One
I understand the desire to bond with your baby and I will tell you what you can do from the very first day to begin building that bond!

One Baby Item You DON'T Want To Bring When You Go To Meet The Baby
As you start to pile up items that you'll need to take along when you get "that call" there is one baby item I think you shouldn't bring! I'll tell you what that is and why you should leave it off the list.
What Other Hopeful Adoptive Parents Are Saying:

I've got a little something for you when you join me on this workshop:
My 30 Day Must-Have List
I want you to have what you need when you bring the baby home...without wasting money on stuff you won't use!
Certificate of Completion
Does your agency require hours of education? I've got you covered. You'll get a 1 hour certificate when you join me!

"You can't help but feel like you're sitting across from a friend as Valerie explains what to expect and anticipate on this journey."
- Monica and Javier

Hey there, I’m Valerie!
I'm a Postpartum Doula, Certified Lactation Counselor, and a mom of 3 (including identical twins).
I understand that traditionally, there is not a lot of newborn education for adoptive parents even though your need to care for your baby is the exact same.
And that’s why I took my years of experience helping people prepare for, and adjust to, life with a new baby and I created adoption-specific resources just for you!